Palak soup | how to make Cream of palak soup | spinach soup

Healthy creamy spinach soup


1. Clean spinach (approx 2 cups palak paste) 

2. Fresh cream 4 spoons (can use home-made thick cream or use amul cream)

3. Salt as per taste, 

4. Oregano 1 spoon, 

5. Butter( optional),

6. Garlic 4 cloves, 

7. Green chilli/chilli flakes ( avoid if you don't want it spicy) 


1. Clean and blanch spinach (use normal water to boil spinach) let it cool, 

2. Once it completely cools down add it to a blender with the garlic and green chilli or chilli flakes, and make a fine paste,

3. Now add cream and water and blend it well, 

4. Heat till bubbles start, add butter(optional), salt and oregano, and serve fresh. Do not boil the soup this may kill the taste. 5. Serve with cream and bread(optinal)


1. Do not overcook the spinach. 

2. Try to use rock salt or pink salt for health benefits. 

3. Can skip the butter in case not available. 

4. Eat spinach soup once a week as spinach is a good healthy option. 

Palak soup or spinach soup is full of iron, nutrients and protein, it is the best, easy, and free option to be healthy, and fit and also reduce weight. This article alive the question of how to make a Cream of palak/spinach soup recipe. Do try at home healthy and simple spinach soup. 

              HAPPY COOKING!!!! 
